Investment teams use Sybenetix Edge to improve success rates, capital allocation, stock selection and timing.
Compliance teams use Sybenetix Compass to analyse all trades and unusual behaviour, automatically flagging and investigating suspicious activities.
Institutions use one System to increase skill behind performance and manage conduct and risk more effectively to attract assets and build reputation.
Real-time decision support tools provide immediate insight and behaviour interventions to improve decision-making skill and conduct management. A single System enables the development of processes to excellence for performance and conduct.
Proprietary behaviour profiling algorithms automate the analysis of individual and team behaviour and its positive and negative impact on the organisation.
The System collects past and present data from company systems, external sources and individuals’ data.
The impact of good and bad behaviour in the context of finance has long been understood, yet remains very hard to manage without effective data on how exactly people’s actions impact performance and conduct.
This problem is solved by Enterprise Behavioural Analytics, which is the category of advanced analytics enabling enterprises to measure and manage the strategic impact of behaviour on operations and culture.
A growing number of leading financial institutions in the US, Europe and Asia are working with Sybenetix’s technology, behaviour and industry experts to help bring about new standards performance and conduct.